Thursday, January 20, 2011


i totally should be cooking dinner right now.

my kids are now totally obsessed with stars.  no, not like the ones in the heavens.  i'm talking about the kind that look like this

and are drawn at the top of a worksheet, usually in marker or something, signifying a job well done. 

i'm not sure if i consider it a mistake or not, the first star i put on beau's worksheet yesterday afternoon.  he was so excited i was sure i had stumbled upon something AMAZING - if he were willing to work harder, focus a bit more, and do his very best to get a star, then surely this had to be the BEST THING EVER.

the kids sure thought so.

so now i have xander demanding stars on his worksheets.  okay, he deserved them today.  he. was. a. SUPERSTAR with worksheets today.  so i gave him stars on the ones he did the best on.  good, right?

not so, says my little brown boy.  he was unhappy that he didn't get stars on EVERY INCH OF HIS WORK; so unhappy that he slumped off, pouting, to go play the xbox, tears in his pretty eyes.  he almost guilted me into going back and plastering his worksheets with the things.  almost.

i decided he could do without bajillions of stars. 

but seriously.  i think it might be gold, this star thing.  either that, or i have just opened pandora's box.