Friday, January 29, 2010

It’s hard having a big brother.

I know, I’ve been there.

You want to play with his toys; he doesn’t let you.  You want to play the game he’s playing; he doesn’t want you to.  He’s impossibly faster than you, being older, and you can never keep up.  Playing hide and seek with him isn’t fair, either; he knows all the best hiding places and he can run faster than you so you pretty much are always “it.”

I see Xander trying to keep up with Beau in everything.  Mostly, they play together really nicely – best friends.  But Beau *is* older, and he doesn’t always want his little brother constantly tagging along everywhere he goes.  Xander is almost lost without Beau sometimes; he misses him when Beau spends some quality alone time with his Nana.

Bella gets a double dose.  Beau is really good with her; he lets her play all his games and makes allowances for her since she’s smaller. 


Xander has gotten it into his head that girls can’t do things that boys do.  He doesn’t like to play with Bella, and this really makes Bella sad.  She doesn’t understand, and I hate to see this “sex discrimination” in my own household, lol.  But there isn’t anything I can do, really, except try to argue with a four year old that girls can do everything boys can and that he should let his sister play.

It doesn’t help that he’s already pretty bossy, lol.  I see a lot of my bossiness in him.  I remember being that way when I was his age.  Talk about reaping what you sow!

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