Saturday, December 18, 2010


so.  i just did a really nerdy thing that will hopefully help me out A LOT over the next six months.

i made a spreadsheet with the week numbers at the top, starting right now and continuing until the end of the first grade (which will end sometime at the end of june, if all goes well).  in the first column, going down the left-hand side, i put the names of the subjects we go over, plus the ones i hope to add this semester.

and then.  i went through the long.  and tedious.  process of typing in the lessons we would cover over the course of that week.  THROUGH TWENTY FIVE WEEKS.  AND EIGHT SUBJECTS. 

it took a while.

but now i can look at my pretty spreadsheet and know exactly what we'll be covering in week [insert number here] in any given subject

it's pretty cool.

now all that i have to do is plan the day-to-day stuffs in each subject for each of those weeks....oh dear GOD now my head is spinning. 

and the best part? 

i get to do this every. year.  for the next TWELVE. YEARS.  always assuming i have no more children, of course.



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