Monday, October 4, 2010

so how is your vacation going, jessica?

you know what the funniest thing about our vacation has been?

the fact that none of the children have mentioned "school" since the very first day. 

i'm not entirely sure that's a good thing.  hopefully they haven't forgotten their names or anything by the time we start back tomorrow. 

the weirdest part is that i'm ready and rearin' to start back.  the week off has been GREAT - with no having to think about worksheets or lesson planning or any of that...HOWEVER...

there has been no lesson planning.  there have been no worksheets. 

mommy has been slightly bored.

well, not bored, but it's just seemed like there's been nothing to do this week when i find myself sitting on the couch and casting around for something to do.  (side note: i'm aware that sentence was redundant.  see what being bored does to me?  facebook has rotted my brain.)

so yeah, this week was an EXCELLENT idea.  we kicked back and went to a birthday party, the kids had a slumber party with their nana, and we went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch with the local homeschool group.  (note:  as soon as i get the pictures from that from my dear friend, rachel, i will post about that funn the meantime, you are welcome to go here and see a few of the fifty kabillion pictures i took using her camera that day.)

we're going to be taking two more weeks off before the new year.  one will be the week before thanksgiving, and the second will be christmas week.  that makes five weeks on, one week off.  and that totally works for me. 

well, i'm off to enjoy our last day of vacation! 

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