Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I used to play music all the time, no matter where I was or what I was doing. Now I'm beginning to understand the sweet music of the early morning, with nothing but the hum of the fan in our bedroom to break the silence around me.

The coffee in my cup begins to lift the fog in my mind, and I begin to come awake. I think I'll do my personal Yoga practice this morning in the quiet. I'll probably end up helping to teach our small class again today at school. I think the instructor is training me, in her way. Does she see in me a potential to teach?

Today, our plans are: of course to change the calendar and track the weather, and I'm thinking of pulling out that math activity with the beads I've been saving. I've been nervous about the chaos that will surely ensue whenever Bella and Xander get their hands on those beads, but I think that if I can take my Mom hat off for a moment and relax, I'll be able to enjoy the mess and not worry if the living room gets strewn with those beads, as long as they're learning and having fun.

Besides, with the advent of our new chore charts, cleaning has never been easier!

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