Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Slow start this week

It's been so busy this past weekend that we've taken a bit of a "holiday" in honor of Labor Day. Even today, which was the first "normal" day we've had since last Friday, we didn't do much "formal school."

Of course we did the calendar, but even getting them to stay still to look at our calendar was tricky, and I realized that any crafts or lessons I had in mind for today would be a wasted effort. So we threw the lesson plan out the window and enjoyed ourselves with our various individual projects. Beau and Xander played a lot with the computer games, Bella played dress-up, and I searched online for coupons and various homemade cleaning products, which I'll talk about later.

Something exciting we did get to do today was allowances. We finished tearing off the row of purple construction paper on our allowance tracker, and filled in the amount of allowance they've saved so far ($12) towards their PS2. I manged to slip a bit of math in as we added up the amount of everyone's allowances added together. I love the idea of them saving their money to buy something they really want, because they're learning about economics and the value of money. It's something that will stay with them for their whole lives.

The chore tracker filled in with one week's worth of allowance

I've been looking into ways to be more frugal with our grocery shopping. I've discovered several online coupon sources I'm going to try to start using, and I'm going to find someone I know who gets the Sunday paper and ask if they'll donate their coupons to me. :)

I've found several, several recipes for homemade cleaning products, including washing powder and a bleach alternative. I'm excited to get to the grocery store and pick up some extra vinegar and baking soda. :D

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